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Frequently Asked Questions

Is economics a "good" major to choose?

What degrees in economics are offered at UMSL?

The department offers the following degrees: BA in economics, BS in economics, dual-degree BS/MA in economics, MA in economics, dual MBA/MA in economics.

Where do I find information on undergraduate studies in Economics?

Where do I find information on graduate studies in Economics?

Where do I find information on the Dual-Degree (BS/MA) in Economics?

Where do I find information on the Certificate of Actuarial Studies?

Where do I find information on the Certificate in Data Analysis and Econometrics?

What if I want to combine the BS in Economics and the Certificate in Data Analysis and Econometrics?

I may pursue a Ph.D. in Economics. What is the next step?

Where do UMSL econ alums get jobs?

Who is my advisor?
For undergraduate advising, contact Professor Speicher or Professor Allison. For graduate advising, contact Professor Kridel.

How do I know when a course will be offered?

I am struggling in my classes, what do I do?

The Economics Resource Center (ERC, located in 452 SSB), provides peer tutors for principles of micro and macro; also depending on current staff, some tutors may be able to help with more advanced coursework.

Remember that your instructor has office hours. Take advantage of this opportunity to talk to your instructor and seek advice.

Another option is to pay a tutor. Your instructor can help you identify an advanced student. (You and the tutor would set the fee and schedule).

How do I get involved?

There are three clubs (student chapter of the National Association for Business Economics, NABE, Women in Economics, and Omicron Delta Epsilon, ODE) that organize student activities.

Are there any internship opportunities?

Your best bet is to check out opportunities at Career Services. Occasionally the Department becomes aware of other internship opportunities. The Department internship coordinator is Professor Kridel.

What about scholarships?

The Department offers a few small merit-based scholarships. In addition, there are scholarships available through the Financial Aid Office.

I see students working in the ERC. Can I work there as well?

High-performing students are generally recommended by their Professors. Students interested in working in the ERC should mention their interest to either their Economics Professor or Advisor.

What if my question is not listed above?

For further questions, please contact the Interim Department Chair, Michael Allison